The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) loan assistance tool is designed to help enhance equity and customer service for agricultural producers and rural small businesses. The Loan Incentive Program (LIP), will provide additional loan funding to certain borrowers with limited access to credit. The LIP is available to eligible borrowers in any USDA loan program, including direct and guaranteed loans, and provides additional funding to cover closing costs and other eligible expenses. The LIP was designed to make financing more accessible to socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, beginning farmers and ranchers, veteran farmers and ranchers, and other underserved businesses. USDA is committed to increasing access to credit and helping borrowers succeed in their operations.
The Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) provides economic development programs to rural communities. The programs help to strengthen rural communities by improving job opportunities, increasing access to health care and other essential services, and improving infrastructure. Through its economic development programs, RCAP works to increase incomes, expand economic opportunities, and create a better quality of life for rural residents. RCAP's programs provide assistance to rural communities in the areas of workforce development, educational support, business development, and capital investment. RCAP also provides resources to help rural communities develop comprehensive strategies for economic development. The programs are designed to help rural communities build capacity and take advantage of economic opportunities. RCAP's programs provide the resources needed to create jobs, increase incomes, and improve the quality of life in rural communities.
Mad Agriculture works to build a strong agricultural sector by providing training, resources, and guidance to farmers, giving them the tools to succeed. The goal is to make the food system more efficient and productive, while also promoting environmental sustainability and economic development. This is done by increasing access to agricultural inputs such as credit, improved seeds, and fertilizer, as well as strengthening the capacity of farmers and their organizations. The organization also works to create a more inclusive food market through the promotion of local and regional markets, as well as the development of new market opportunities and access to information. By building a strong, resilient agricultural sector, Mad Agriculture is helping to make the country more food secure and reduce poverty.